March 2025



Creating a graphic novel but stopping along the way to take some photos, eat some food and admire great art!

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Tag: Catwoman

Artwork – Free Comic Book Day

Was clearing out my desk and came across some artwork from Free Comic Book Day with 2 Batgirl head shots from Jon Sommariva and a Catwoman from James Brouwer. Thought I’d share them before I put them away in safe storage! FCBD :

FX Lost Land by Uko Smith

In the last post, I showcased a sneak peek into the artwork of Uko Smith. Over the years, Uko has done freelancing work for a multitude of companies including White Wolf, Green Ronin, Lucasfilm, Topps, Hasbro, DC and Marvel Comics providing cover work and concept designs. FX Trade Cover : Prelim : Pencil : Inked […]

Catwoman by Uko Smith

Sneak peek into some artwork by Uko Smith! 2 very sexy sketches from the Bat-family. This site will be featuring an interview (and more artwork!) with the artist in the next post so be sure to check back here. Also check out his website and blog for more works. Catwoman : Huntress :

Tigra by Di Amorim

A sexy Tigra piece of original art by featured artist Di Amorim. Currently on sale on eBay but that’s not too much time left if you want to get a bid in. Remember to bid high and bid often! Not sure what the fascination with women and cats are . . think Catwoman, Black Cat […]

March of Dimes – Death – Gotham Sirens by Frank Kadar

Featured artist Frank Kadar has donated 2 amazing pieces for the March of Dimes charity auction on eBay. (Similar to Troy Parke last year). Both artwork was done using a combination of Prismacolor markers, watercolors and color pencils. Click on the artwork to be taken to the auction. Remember to bid high and bid often. […]

Catwoman by Franc Czuba

Franc Czuba is one of illustrators on Dusk (written by David Doub). He has a very fusion based style mixing Japanese manga with exaggerated anatomy and perspective with a cleaner American style rendering. Franc was kind of enough to create a Catwoman showcase including his sketches to demonstrate his work. Final : Preliminary sketch 01 […]

Batman by Kareem Ahmed

26 year old Kareem Ahmed hails from Cairo, Egypt. Although current working as a graphic artist, story boarder and conceptual artist for various gaming characters, he’s looking to break into the comic industry. He mentioned that he wants to maintain a high level of detail while showing the subject from difficult angles. Are you working […]

April Recap Post

It’s been a while since my last recap post so I thought it would be worth having a nostalgic look at some of the older posts on this site. So what happened? Noelle Dreves was nice enough to show her Catwoman COSPLAY. Lots of featured artist showing off their skills and of course the weekly […]

COSPLAY – Catwoman – Comic – Noelle Dreves

Interested in becoming a featured artist? Click for submissions There’s a reason why Noelle Dreves is known as the Brisbane Catwoman. This costume is more of the comic book inspired version. Love the goggles and the claws in this version. Be sure to check out her previous Catwoman (Batman Returns) COSPLAY.

COSPLAY – Catwoman – Noelle Dreves

After asking why she was known as the Brisbane Catwoman, previous featured artist Noelle Dreves provided this site with the below picture. It’s a very impressive costume with homage to Michelle Pfeiffer‘s look in Batman Returns. Be careful sharing the bench with this cat! For another cosplay photo of Noelle as Juno Eclipse from Force […]