July 2024



Creating a graphic novel but stopping along the way to take some photos, eat some food and admire great art!

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Archive for 'Places'

Black Star Pastry – Rosebery – New

From Pork Belly to something sweet. Black Star Pastry has recently opened its second branch in Rosebery! The Newtown branch was always a little difficult to get to so glad with this new place opening up. The Strawberry and Watermelon cake was great with the layer of watermelon adding a nice freshness to the cake. […]

Paris Gargoyle – Supernatural Season 7 – Red Monika – Di Amorim

Since it’s been a while since my last update, I decided to combine several posts I had been working on into one long post covering a range of different topics. The posts should be a little more regular as things get a little more on track but in the mean time, enjoy! It’s a been […]

Notre Dame Gargoyle – Paris – Photo – eBay

A while ago I posted a photo of a Gargoyle sitting atop Notre Dame in Paris. I liked how this photo turned out, especially the Paris cityscape in the background. There’s a few photos I’ve listed on my eBay page, bid high and often if you like ’em or just click on the below photo. […]

Char Kway Teow – Penang – Sister

As a follow to “What makes a good Char Kway Teow?”, I thought I’d show you what was considered by some as the best Char Kway Teow in Penang. It’s from a shop called Sister’s located on Macalister Road. I doubt you can find anything even remotely like it anywhere else in the world. Penang […]

Sydney Harbour Bridge – Grass Picnic

Fancy a picnic on the Sydney Harbour Bridge? That’s exactly what happened, they laid out almost 3km of grass to cover the entire motorway for 6000 lucky residents to enjoy a breakfast picnic on the harbour bridge. The predicted rains kept away and it was a sensational morning! Volunteers handing out fresh loaves on bread […]

Sydney Opera House – Night Photography

Night shot of Sydney’s most iconic landmark, the Opera House. I havem’t done much with long exposures but it was nice to try out some different settings to get interesting effects. I liked how the various coloured lighting reflected on the water.

Images of Japan – Street

It’s been a while since I last shared a photo. This was one I took when I visited Japan a while back. I like how the composition of this turned out, there’s an imaginary horizon at the street level with a sea of people at the bottom. And in that sea of people, you have […]

American Samoa

American Samoa is one of the smaller Pacific Islands with a population of approx. 68,000. Although adopting a lot of American culture, it wasn’t particularly touristy or developed which is perfect for those seeking a peaceful adventure. With the main source of income derived from exporting tuna, it also boasts the freshest sashimi. A single […]

Sydney Opera House – Photo

Another photo from Alan L, I like the composition of the seagull focused in the foreground with the Opera House blurred in the background.

Sydney Harbour – Photo

I’ve had a few visitors outside of Australia who visit this site. I thought I’d share a picture of Sydney taken from the Harbour Bridge taken by amateur photographer Alan L. What I really like about this photo is the vanishing point effect. Additional Information : You can walk across the Sydney Harbour Bridge and […]