July 2024



Creating a graphic novel but stopping along the way to take some photos, eat some food and admire great art!

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Archive for 'Word Smith'

Transhuman 3 – May

Transhuman 3 has a tentative launch date of May 12 Sunday 10pm AEST. I’ve started planning out the rest of 2024 as well with the below projects all on the horizon. If you haven’t already, I do hope you can press NOTIFY on the Prelaunch Page so you will get notified when the projects go […]

2024 – Here we come!

I can’t believe it’s already 2024. I’ve been a little slack on updating this website so I thought I’d make it up with a long post to start the year off. Towards the end of 2023, Terralympus Volume 4 was launched and it was the most funded Kickstarter of the series. All you supporters are […]

More Upcoming Projects

So there’s a lot currently happening at Sigmate Studio! Everyone is working away getting a lot of projects finalised. Transhuman 2’s product is bubbling along nicely and hoping to get the proof copies soon. Word Smith is coming back with Volume 5. It’s still in the very early stages but be sure to press NOTIFY […]

Word Smith 4 – Proofs

The proofs for Word Smith 4 are now here! It’s still amazing to hold the physical copies in your hands. Time to do a double check before the first print run. Thanks to everyone who supported this project! I can’t wait to start getting this sent out to everyone and then . . . getting […]

Word Smith 4 – LIVE

Word Smith 4 is now LIVE on Kickstarter! I hope you can check out the latest instalment of this steampunk fantasy adventure as the Victoria and the gang head north to the icy city of Draklan! Check out this incredible artwork from artist JC Grande that’s a variant cover on the project. Link – https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1917428739/word-smith-volume-1-2-3-and-4-trust/

Word Smith 4 – Coming SOON!

Word Smith 4 is coming soon to Kickstarter! The story picks up from the end of Volume 3 as the gang head north to the icy city of Draklan. Don’t worry if you haven’t read the first 3 volumes, PDF and physical copies are available to pick up AND this is also a standalone story […]

Wolf Cubs – Word Smith – Update

There’s some preliminary dates for the Kickstarter launch dates for both Wolf Cubs and Word Smith Volume 4. Wolf Cubs is looking to launch late 2021 or early 2022. I’m so excited to be bringing this new project to life. Make you hit that NOTIFY button in the Prelaunch link. Link to the Prelaunch: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1917428739/wolf-cubs-volume-1-the-lich-a-dandd-adventure/ […]

Word Smith 3 – Sketch – Mei-Li

Slowly sorting out the rewards for Word Smith Volume 3. The A5 original sketch (with a touch of colour) is so awesome. I’m a little sad, I have to pack them and post them out. I am happy that they will all be going to good homes though. This is an awesome PR sketch of […]

Word Smith 3 – Back Cover

Production of Word Smith Volume 3 is powering ahead. There’s a lot of things happening in parallel but I thought I’d provide a quick sneak peek at the back cover layout. Enjoy! The back image is a completed panel from inside the book. I love the different expressions on their faces. I really can’t wait […]

Word Smith 3 – KS and IGG Finished

It’s been a long couple of months but the Kickstarter and IndieGoGo campaigns for Word Smith Volume 3 is now over. Firstly a huge thank you for everyone’s support. I’m so glad to be able to bring this story to life. There is a long weekend coming up so I’m going to take a short […]