September 2014



Creating a graphic novel but stopping along the way to take some photos, eat some food and admire great art!

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Peackeeper by Nicole Kane and Matt Lao

Click here for the Kickstarter project.

Gods of War, Demi and Kya take up arms as the Pæcekeepers to become the last line of defense the world has from itself!

Pæcekeepers is currently on kickstarter seeking funding to complete the artwork and fund the publication. The story revolves around two re-incarnated Egyptian gods (who comes back as girls) who are a militrary unit. The author N. S. Kane provided the script for the first 17 pages for this site’s review. It’s a strong introduction to the 2 main characters.

Cover :
N. S. Kane, Nicole Kane, Tao, Peackeeper

Sample Interior :
N. S. Kane, Nicole Kane, Tao, Peackeeper

Click here for the Kickstarter project.

Thanks for your time and the script! The artwork is Matt Lao is incredible.
How did you plan the relationship between the 2 protagonists?

I did try to make it a sibling rivalry between them.
In the end though, Kya really looks up to Demi as so much more.

The first part of the script was just the introduction. How far have you planned out the story and is the main villain appearing soon?

I have 5 issues in total planned out and there is a main villain coming into the next issue. He’s pretty nasty and enjoys pulling the puppet strings from behind the curtain.

So what’s the next steps?

The plan is to do the 5 issues and complete the story arc and then get it into a volume. The artist is locked in for all 5 and he’s very excited to get the second script already.

Thanks for your time and good luck with the kickstarter campaign!

Click here for the Kickstarter project.

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