Thing by Frank Kadar
Frank Kadar has done some amazing covers on Marvel Projects including White Queen and Poison Ivy. Had a quick chat with Frank and Thing (Fantastic Four) will be the last one he’ll be selling for a while on eBay. Last chance!
Posted: September 26th, 2009 under art, comic, Featured Artist.
Tags: fantastic four, frank kadar, marvel projects, thing
There is nothing better than Marvel Comics….everyone is in this picture!!
BTW thank you for your comment regarding spam. Can you advise me how to add a plug in to my blog as you mentioned, I have no idea!! Thanks so much!
Left you a reply on the forum. I’m using a wordpress plugin. Not sure if it works with blogger.
Thing has been grim. Hehe.
Cute pun. :)
he wants to clobber somebody!
Thank you!!