Word Smith 3 – Kickstarter Prelaunch
Link to the Prelaunch Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1917428739/word-smith-volume-1-2-and-3-fear-and-honour
The Prelaunch Page for Word Smith Volume 1, 2 & 3 is up on Kickstarter. Be sure to click the NOTIFY button so you will know exactly when this Kickstarter goes LIVE. I’ll let everyone know as soon as I have a date locked in. At the moment, we’re powering through the production so we can bring this to story to life as quickly as possible!
The action picks up from the cliffhanger in the previous volume! Our heroes find themselves in the Eastern Nations with a mysterious stranger who has been stalking them. Are Dimitri and Sparky OK? What will happen next?
If you like science fiction as well, this is a gentle reminder to also sign up for the Transhuman Prelaunch IGG!
Link : https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/transhuman-graphic-novel-rivka-s-story/coming_soon/x/22292962

Posted: July 19th, 2020 under comic, Transhuman, Website, Word Smith, Writer.
Tags: 5 Seconds, Blue, Ellie, Jake, Keenan, Mia, Most Wanted, Rivka, Road so far, Shaun Paulet, Sparky, Tabby, Tabby Sketchbook, Terralympus, Transhuman, Word Smith