April 2024



Creating a graphic novel but stopping along the way to take some photos, eat some food and admire great art!

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Archive for 'Movie TV'

Star Trek – Movie Review

The reboot to the Star Trek movie franchise by J J Abrams certainly exceeded my expectation. It’s a well written story coupled with amazing direction. With fantastic action sequences and great tempo, it’s really a trekkie film for non-trekkies. For me, I loved all the injokes and references to the original series. Looks like this […]

Emergency Zombie Kit

Emergency Zombie Kit so you’re always prepared. This was so brilliant I just had to share it.

He’s Just Not That Into You . . .

In the spirit of the movie, I will try and explain the role of games and competition to men. A friend recently approached me and couldn’t understand the actions of her husband. Scenario : Her husband had stayed up all night to beat a high score set by her on a tennis game (Nintendo Wii). […]

HEROES is back for 2009

Heroes has returned for 2009 and it sees Nathan enacting his plan (from the last episode in 2008) to capture various people with abilities under the auspices of national security. The tone was very different for this episode and it felt a lot more like the first season in terms of mystery and suspense. An […]

Ip Man – Movie Review

Ip Man follows the story of Bruce Lee’s teacher from his idyllic time in China before World War 2 to his escape to Hong Kong. The movie prior to World War 2 is much more light hearted however with Japanese invasion, the movie takes on a much darker tone. The Japanese not content to simply […]

Bolt – Movie Review

This is first my first movie of 2009. Bolt (voiced by John Travolta), an “actor dog” believes he has super powers. After accidentally being shipped to New York, he attempts to make it back to Hollywood to see his owner Penny (voiced by Miley Cyrus). This is an enjoyable movie for everyone (not just kids)! […]

Quantum of Solace – James Bond

“Bond, James Bond”. The tagline of from MI6’s most famous spy is not uttered once through the whole movie. Quantum of Solace picks up about 30 minutes from Casino Royale (Hint : Watch Casino Royale again before Quantum of Solace) with Bond tracking down a secret organisation with nefarious plans in Bolivia. Through the movie, […]

Heroes Vol 2 – Graphic Novel

I was very excited to pick up Heroes Volume 2 – Graphic Novel over the weekend. It collects the short online comics of the TV Series. With a multitude of characters in the show, it would be impossible to give an adequate back story to everyone so the comic provides stories “behind the scenes”. With […]

HEROES in Sydney

From my previous post, Heroes is one of my weekly must watch shows. Two of the Heroes’ cast member were in Sydney earlier this year to promote the release of Heroes – Season 2 DVD. I was unable to attend but fellow blogger Arthur Lee was able to take some photos in this post. Would […]

New TV Season – Heroes – Supernatural – Fringe

Taking a break from regular blogging to note . . . there are so many great new shows starting this season including Fringe (Joshua Jackson) and Mentalist (Simon Baker). There is also the return of old favorites like Supernatural and Heroes! Supernatural has taken an interesting turn this season with Dean Winchester a possible agent […]