July 2024



Creating a graphic novel but stopping along the way to take some photos, eat some food and admire great art!

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Archive for '5 Seconds'

2024 – Here we come!

I can’t believe it’s already 2024. I’ve been a little slack on updating this website so I thought I’d make it up with a long post to start the year off. Towards the end of 2023, Terralympus Volume 4 was launched and it was the most funded Kickstarter of the series. All you supporters are […]

5 Seconds Volume 3 – Printing Proofs

The printing proofs are now done! Another step completed. It’s happening! I can’t wait to have this done and be able to send out the printed graphic novel to everyone. Printing Proof :

5 Seconds Volume 3 – Editing

Slowly going through the editing process to make sure everything is perfect! It’s getting very close now before I can get the stuck into the printing process. It won’t be too much longer before I can start sending out the reading PDFs. Editing Proof :

5 Seconds Volume 3 – Lettering Done

Lettering is now completed on 5 Seconds Volume 3. Now it’s time for editing! Check out the uncoloured pencilled and inked drawn in page on this link. Lettered :

Sigmate Studio – Super Fan

It’s awesome to receive photos like these. Here’s Owen Heitmann (Amplified Press) working his way through the entire Sigmate Studio catalogue. He mentioned that Word Smith was his favourite! Owen Heitmann :

5 Seconds Volume 3 – Drawn In Page

The DRAWN IN page is my favourite reward. P.R. Dedelis has done some absolutely amazing work on this page. It’s so great to be able to put some of backers into my graphic novel. Thanks once again for everyone who helped to bring 5 Seconds to life. Drawn In Pencils : Drawn In Inks :

Word Smith 2 – Sneak Peek

A quick update 5 Seconds Vol 3 (The Final Countdown) Kickstarter is that everything is progressing well. I’m hoping to get it off for the first print run by late June / early July. The second volume of Word Smith is powering along. Here’s a sneak peek at the some completed panels. Currently there’s about […]

5 Seconds Volume 3 – Kickstarter Over

We did it! Sorry for the delay but I’m happy that the 5 Seconds Vol 3 (The Final Countdown) Kickstarter is now COMPLETED! Thank you once again for all your support. All STRETCH GOALS were reached and I’m very happy to include all the extras! I’ve emailed all the Drawn In reward pledgers to get […]

5 Seconds Volume 3 – Funded and Stretch Goals

The 5 Seconds Vol 3 (The Final Countdown) Kickstarter is now FUNDED! Thank you for all your support in making this happen. I’m so happy to be able to finish the story of Jake and Ellie. I still feel a little sad when I finally have to say good bye to all these characters. I […]

5 Seconds Volume 3 – 12 days to go!

The 5 Seconds Vol 3 (The Final Countdown) Kickstarter has 12 days to go and we’re just about 80% funded! It’s getting so close to reaching the funding target. The excitement in Volume 3 ramps it up when Lucas breaks out of prison with some payback in mind. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1917428739/5-seconds-volume-3-the-final-countdown