July 2024



Creating a graphic novel but stopping along the way to take some photos, eat some food and admire great art!

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Tag: Pasquale Qualano

Artwork for Lucca Comics and Games 2012

Previous featured artist Pasquale Qualano has allowed me to showcase his and other artists’ works for the limited edition folder for Lucca Comics and Games 2012. My favourite would have to be the Batgirl but they are all very impressive! Pasquale Qualano Eleonora Dea Nanni Fabrizio Galliccia Luca Maresca Enrico Galli Andrea Del Campo Pasquale […]

Pasquale Qualano Website – Wonder Woman

Featured artist Pasquale Qualano (artist for Grimm’s Fairy Tales and The One) has recently launched an amazing website with lots of his work. I loved his sketch work! I included one of his recent Wonder Woman sketches in this post as a reminder of how awesome his artwork is. Be sure to take a look […]

Angelus by Pasquale Qualano – Lorenzo Ruggiero – Alessia Nocera

Featured artist Pasquale (who also recently showcased a cover Route Des Maison) is showcasing a recent private commission Angelus. Inks by Lorenzo Ruggiero and colours by Alessia Nocera. Looks like a cross between scantily clad angels and Witchblade. Final : Layout : Pencils : Inks :

Route des Maison Rouge – Cover by Pasquale Qualano

Coming out in March, Route des Maison Rouge (published by GG Studios) with cover by featured artist Pasquale Qualano and coloured by Alessia Nocera. (Both recently collaborated on a Fanstastic Four piece. Love his pencil work and the colouring adds depth to the cover! Sketch : Full coloured Cover : On other news, thought I’d […]

The One by Pasquale Qualano

For Christmas, I managed to sneak in one of Pasquale’s artwork. Now I have the opportunity of posting up more, showcasing his works on The One. His preliminary sketch is brilliant, capturing the movement of the horse as the rider pulls back on the reins. The final colours are muted but excellent. Preliminary Sketch : […]

Christmas Card by Pasquale Qualano

Merry Christmas Y’all. Upcoming featured artist Pasquale Qualano is sharing a special Christmas showcase. (Pasquale’s interview will be up early 2010 so keep watching this space.) Wishing all readers a very happy and safe festive season. It was a very low key Christmas (no big parties) but still spending time with a family. I’m actually […]