Archive for November, 2009
Cookie Monster on Google Homepage
Why is Cookie Monster on the Google homepage today? According to gizmodo, today is the 40th anniversary of Sesame Street. That doesn’t quite explain it though. Back in 1982 (16 years before, Cookie Monster sang the Google song. Don’t believe me? The proof is in the below video! To quote Kermit the frog : […]
Posted: November 6th, 2009 under Movie TV, Website.
Tags: cookie monster, google, sesame street
Comments: 12
Dead Future No 1 by Grim Crew
Dead Future Issue #1 created by the Grim Crew debuted at Baltimore Comic Con October 10th-11th. Issue #2 to be officially released Nov 9. I was lucky enough to read a preview copy and it’s a fantastic anthology of zombie stories told with the most incredible artwork from using photo style to more traditional pencils. […]
Posted: November 4th, 2009 under art, comic, Featured Artist.
Tags: artist, dead future, grim crew, Writer
Comments: 4
Supernatural High by Jamie Tyndall
Featured artist Jamie Tyndall is able to combine sketches with some digital graphics to create the most impressive artwork. His sequential artwok on Supernatural High is a perfect showcase. Cover : Standard sketches with a pentagram in the background. It’s a wonderful fusion of different techniques. Interior : Some fantastic pencils. The details are incredible, […]
Posted: November 2nd, 2009 under art, comic, Featured Artist.
Tags: artist, comic, jamie tyndall, supernatural high
Comments: 4