5 Seconds Volume 3 – Kickstarter Over
We did it! Sorry for the delay but I’m happy that the 5 Seconds Vol 3 (The Final Countdown) Kickstarter is now COMPLETED! Thank you once again for all your support.
All STRETCH GOALS were reached and I’m very happy to include all the extras! I’ve emailed all the Drawn In reward pledgers to get their photos and I’ll be prepared to ship out Vol 1 and Vol 2 as soon as the monies clear from Kickstarter. I’m taking it easy for a few days before getting straight back into the production of 5 Seconds Volume 3! Here’s a sneak peek on an unseen page.
Posted: April 9th, 2019 under 5 Seconds, art, comic, Featured Artist, Website, Writer.
Tags: 5 Seconds, Blue, Ellie, Jake, Keenan, Mia, Most Wanted, Road so far, Shaun Paulet, Tabby, Tabby Sketchbook, Terralympus, XCT