5 Seconds – Top Secret – Stretch Goals
5 Seconds Volume 2 Kickstarter is almost funded and it’s time to start thinking about STRETCH GOALS. This is a teaser image (from Canadian Eric Gravel) of a print that will be given to the appropriate reward tiers. Who loves free prints? Keep spreading the word and let’s get the next volume of 5 Seconds done!
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Posted: February 15th, 2018 under 5 Seconds, art, comic, Featured Artist, Website, Writer.
Tags: 5 Seconds, Brian Lim, Celia, Creative Partnerships Australia, Ellie, Font", graphic novel, Jake, Janet, Logo, match lab 2017, merry christmas, P. R. Dedelis, project start, sketches, Sparky, Steampunk, Tabby, Victoria, Word Smith, wordsmith